Sulayman Mohamed Mohamud

Attorney General of Somalia


The office of Attorney General of Federal Republic of Somalia was established under the Organization of the Judiciary, Legislative Decree No. 3 of 12 June 1962 as part of the Judiciary in Somalia. The Office’s mandate is enshrined in the Chapters II, VII, VIII of the Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Judicial Organization Law and Criminal Procedure Code.

My vision, upon resuming the office of Attorney General was to ensure that we uphold the rule of law every day, to protect the rights and prevent our country from both domestic and international criminal threats. Achieving such vision, our office has a strategic plan that systematizes the work of the attorney general’s office into 6 main strategic goals that will guide the work of the office over the next 5 years:

  • Improve our legal obligations within a framework of strong governance and sound management practices.
  • Ensure respect for laws and protect the rights of incapacitated persons and vulnerable people.
  • Build and enhance prosecutorial capacity services by upholding principles of Accountability, Good governance, and Integrity.
  • Promote the effective and efficient administration of prosecution and investigation services within the framework of criminal justice system.
  • Maintain public confidence in the prosecution services.
  • 6. Promote cooperation with stakeholders within criminal justice system and relevant regional and international bodies to improve the overall quality of services.

Together with our vibrant team of Professional Prosecutors and Experts, this plan will advance, guide, and excel the progress of our work at the AGO. Coupled this together, the strategic plan provides a holistic approach to direct the activities of AGO and ensure that my office fulfills the responsibilities to Federal government of Somalia.

Over the past three years I served as the Attorney General of the Federal Government of Somalia, I had the grace to work along with professional Prosecutors and staff who are dedicated each day to serve Somalia to the best of their abilities. Together as a team, we expanded office units from only 2 into 13 effective and all functional Units. Noticeably, most important Units include Maritime Crimes Unit, Financial and Economic Crimes Unit and Environmental crimes Unit, Electronic and Cyber Crimes Unit and SGBV and Juvenile Units.

 My office strengthened our co-ordination with Federal member state offices with aim to decentralize the Justice Service delivery to Somali people at state level.   In addition to that we capacitated the management team of the office and non-prosecuting sections including Police Investigation Directions, Protection of witness/evidence, Oversight of Prisons and detention, Supervision of Criminal Records to ensure effective prosecution.

Attaining the milestones ahead of us will need hard work and undivided grasp of determination, but I have the greatest confidence in our ability to deliver such milestones to our people.