Attorney General Bio

Attorney General Bio

Sulayman Mohamed Mohamoud was sworn in as the attorney general of the Federal government of Somalia on 1st December 2019. As the Nation’s chief law officer and under his leadership, the office of the Attorney General is devoted to upholding the rule and supremacy of the law, protecting Constitutional and statuary rights of the people through administering Justice in Criminal matters, and protecting the rights of the state, public organs, incapacitated and vulnerable people.

Attorney General Sulayman was a member of the National Committee representing Somalia the maritime dispute case before the International Court of Justice in Hague. He acted as a counsel of the international lawyers representing the Somali case where he advised and oversaw their analysis, legal interpretation and representation promoting the cause of Somalia to regain its rightful maritime territory.

Previously before his confirmation as Attorney General, His excellency the Attorney General was a Federal Supreme Court Judge. He presided over vast amount of cases ensuring cases are conducted in accordance with court’s rules, rules of evidence and the law in general. As a judge, Attorney General Sulayman protected fundamental human rights of the citizen by adhering equitable decision making and judgments over the course of his period as a Federal Judge. 

Earlies in his career, Attorney General Sulayman was a Senior Advisor to the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission (ICRIC), Federal Republic of Somalia.

 In his capacity, he intensively provided support to ICRIC to design the priorities of the areas of the constitutional review process to submit the Somali Federal Parliament with particular focus on ensuring that ICRIC familiarize with three options regarding the constitution review process developed by 9th Parliament. Attorney General Sulayman, on his capacity as senior advisor provided guidance to the ICRIC in the implementation of the roadmap of the constitutional review process and support to attend immediately to any amendment of the articles of the constitutional as required.

Additionally, Attorney General Sulayman was an academician, law professor and dean of faculty of law at Puntland State University. During his tenure as dean, he led the development of the Faculty curriculum and course content as well as initiating and promoting best practices in relation to teaching, learning and assessment initiatives.

Attorney General Sulayman holds Masters in Law (LLM, LLB) from International Islamic University, Islamabad-Pakistan. Following his law school, he become the executive director of Puntland Legal Aid Clinic, become a founding partner at Gargaar Law Firm and the chief compliance officer in one of the leading Financial Institutions in Somalia.