Financial And Economic Crimes Unit

About This Unit

The financial and economic crime unit is mandated to investigates and prosecutes all financial and economic crimes such as banking and remittances crime, money laundering, terrorist financing crimes, fraud, organized and serious crimes, corruption, embezzlement, tax evasion and crimes affecting national economy.

The financial and economic crime unit performs investigation of cases related counterfeit currency, financial exploitation, forged documents involving persons, commercials and governmental entities all matters related to financial crime.

The financial and economic crime unit is responsible in preparing for, conducting interviews and interrogation for financial crime cases in order to ensure that justice is fully achieved.

The financial and economic crime unit performs their duties according to the guidelines prescribed by the Attorney General.

In addition to that, the financial crime unit is responsible to train the law enforcement agencies and educate and provides public awareness about financial crimes.

The financial and economic crimes unit is led by highly trained and extensive experienced prosecutor together with other prominent prosecutors including female prosecutor, prosecution officers and paralegals who support the unit, they are trained to prosecute all kinds of cases.