The AG Office handed over modern medical equipment to Medina Hospital

The AG Office handed over modern medical equipment to Medina Hospital for the investigation of GBV & Children related crimes

The Office of the Attorney General based on the availability and protection of evidence of crimes, today handed over modern medical equipment to Madina Hospital for the investigation of crimes related to violence against women and children.

These modern tools are replacing the ones that were used in the past that caused challenges in verifying evidence. This tool will play a major role in finding and facilitating evidence in cases of sexual harassment.

For effective investigation, the AG’s Office has already trained these tools in the Sexual Offenses Division, Madina Hospital Operators, and CID.

This equipment enables the justice institutions using the evidences to know that it has been opened before the intended time. This is the second time that the Office is modernizing the investigation of Sexual Abuse after it has already updated the Refart report forms.

Finally, the Office of the Attorney General ordered the Madino Hospital to enforce the use of the modern equipment that was handed over to them.